Vic Beasley

Discussion in 'NFL Draft' started by satkins2252, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. Yes

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  2. No

    18 vote(s)
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  1. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    Since you seem to have trouble with this let me help you. First, the OG is AJ McCann who is gonna be a 2nd round pick in this draft so if he's beating him that's even MORE reason to take Beasley. And McCann is like a 320lb OG too. But really, not even looking at the plays where Beasley darts inside and confusion exists between McCann and Robinson with who is blocking him because he's penetrating so fast, let's look at the plays in which Beasley just beats Robinson since you still think all he does is dance with the biggest LT in the draft.

    2014 Beasley Vs Robinson
    :54 Beats Robinson
    2:04 Beats Robinson buts slips as he's going past him
    2:26 beats Robinson
    3:12 beats Robinson plus sack and he was also chipped
    3:59 beats Robinson
    4:32 beats Robinson

    2 more notable plays
    5:04 beats Robinson to the inside to help stuff a 4th and 1 running play
    5:18 rushes past Robinson to the outside and seeing run, cuts back to stop the run behind Robinson. Not a knock on Robinson, but this play shows Beasley's awesome penetration skills and ability to redirect and make the tackle when most pass rushers wouldn't get near the rb.

    Cleanly beaten 6 times is what you call an OT toying with a pass rusher??? I call that LOSING! He also didn't dominate Beasley in the run game either. So again, not sure how you think he will get 'toyed' with.
  2. ImATitan

    ImATitan Pro Bowler

    No denying this guy is a perfect fit in our scheme
    • LOL LOL x 1
  3. Finnebosch

    Finnebosch I am vengeance.

    I've been big on Beasley since day 1 and even with us having Orakpo and Morgan on the edges I still wouldn't mind seeing us draft him in a trade down scenario because I think we could find enough creative ways to use him even if Morakpo stays healthy all 16 games.

    A) Beasley can spell either LB in order to keep both fresh.
    B) We can bounce Beasley to inside LB and let him shoot some gaps in an A gap blitz. He would also be able to serve as a run stuffing ILB if Brown goes down again.
    C) Let Morgan work inside against a OG on 3rd and long with Beasley and Orakpo rushing from the edges. It would be similar to the Nascar packages the Giants use to run.
    D) Seeing as Beasley is 6'3 and runs a 4.5 I wouldn't doubt his ability to run down the field with TE's on certain packages. I know that he has never done it but after seeing Morgan play decently in coverage makes me think that Beasley will be able to as well.
  4. Titans2004

    Titans2004 Pro Bowler

    My feeling is that Beasley is going to be a more disruptive player than Williams. I would not have a problem taking him #2 over Williams.

    I'm still worried about our ability to stuff the run up the gut.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    He was toyed with on the other 30-something plays you didn't single out, watch the tape again, theres several instances where the tackle just stands up and shuts Beasley out
  6. Titans2004

    Titans2004 Pro Bowler

    I've been thinking the same thing scheme-wise... a nascar package of Beasley and Orakpo on the edges with Morgan and Casey inside could be fun to watch.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    yea but you gotta stop the first 2 plays to even need a NASCAR package, and last year we sucked vs the run, gotta get guys that can stop the run
  8. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    Does he at times get blocked? Of course. Pick any defensive superstar player and I'll show you tape of them all getting blocked. Did the 6'8 330lb OT pancake the supposed 220lb Beasley? No. And in several running plays he was disruptive because he shot gaps and several times took 2 blockers to contain him. Yes there are several times when Robinson blocks him. That happens with all guys or the sack record in a season would be 100.

    I pointed out both passing and running plays where Beasley beat him at a lesser weight than you're suggesting he'd fall to. And the number of times he's beating Robinson and McCann (a 2nd rnd pick) should show you if he performed like that in the NFL, he'd not only have double digit sacks, he'd probably be defensive rookie of the year depending on where he goes.

    Want to point out a handful of plays where he's getting toyed with? And maybe you should describe by what you mean by 'toyed' with because to me that means owning and pancaking a guy all day long. I mean, if he was toying with Beasley, how did Beasley get inside of him on the most important run play of the game on 4th and 1?

    I have watched those games at least twice and watched the video a couple of times to refute your claim.
  9. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    Actually we were about avg vs the run. We couldn't stop the pass without selling out and a lot of times that risk bit us hard!!!

    Easier to stop the run when you can get after the QB with 4 guys!
  10. Titans2004

    Titans2004 Pro Bowler

    I agree and that is why I said I'm worried about our ability to stop the run since we haven't really upgraded that area in FA. I look for impact players with the #2 pick and find run stuffers later in the draft.
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