Sterling Sharpe: Titans don’t know what ails CJ2K

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Ohio2Tenn, Nov 3, 2011.

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  1. Ohio2Tenn

    Ohio2Tenn Camp Fodder

    NFL Network's Sterling Sharpe is the latest game-tape watcher to attribute Chris Johnson's struggles to the running back, rather than the Titans' rushing offense as a whole.
    Sharpe works for NFLN's Playbook, which breaks down each game each week. "They're giving him opportunities," said Sharpe. "The Chris Johnson that we’re used to seeing, I don’t know why we’re not seeing him. ... Usually, when he got one on one, he could make a guy miss and it was going to be electric. Now he’s just curling up in a ball and looking for the softest spot on the field to lay down."
    • High Five High Five x 1
  2. mike75

    mike75 Pro Bowler

    I'm seeing tape where he has holes and he doesn't blow through them at all like he once did.Seems like he has lost that fast gear he once had that made him dangerous.
  3. BeatADeadColt

    BeatADeadColt Camp Fodder

    Dude it's been soooo many threads on why CJ sucks. I don't care why he [sucks at this point. We've spent 8 weeks debating WHY CJ sucks, and you know what, at this point, it's irrelevant.

    If he hasn't gotten over whatever "it" is in 8 weeks, and continues to trend down. And get shown up by Ringer, something has to go down.

    Who would take him do you think? I'd shop him around to swap with some team's backup running back. I don't think anybody would take him as a feature, but maybe as a backup.

    You know where he might be a nice fit. New York. The Jets I mean. Shonn Greene's good for the 3-4 yards every carry, but he never, and I mean never gets more than ten. Rex Ryan likes to take people past their glory days and find a specific role for them. I bet he could convince CJ to give it his all if he only comes in for two plays out of a whole drive.

    I just don't know who they'd wanna give us. They definitely won't give up a Greene or Tomlinson. Greene's their workhorse right now, and Tomlinson's really important to them on third down and near the goal line. But honestly at this point I'd be happy to take a 4th and a 7th. Think they'd do it?
  4. quagliero

    quagliero Teh Awsum

    You really think someone would pick up his contract right now?
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  5. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    Titans cant get rid of the little guy, his bonus would roll forward crushing the CAP

    CJSideways will be a Titan for years - UNLESS he gives back signing bonus. The little dude is probably broke by now anyways
  6. quagliero

    quagliero Teh Awsum

    Look at the last ten Superbowl winning RBs. Says it all really. It's a passing league and it still baffles me we gave ludicrous money to a depreciating position.
  7. Ohio2Tenn

    Ohio2Tenn Camp Fodder

    The thing I'm having trouble with is that I've literally seen him crawl into the fetal position before and once he hits the line of scrimmage. If you watch his old Sound FX episodes, he used to laugh at getting hit and continue on with hitting the holes hard. But now, he doesn't even try and that's pathetic. Only time we get something good outta him is lining him up at WR.
  8. Ewker

    Ewker Starter

    Titan fans know what ails him

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  9. Bayou Titan

    Bayou Titan Starter

    I think we will see alot more Ringer in the next few weeks. And while they will continue to call CJ the starter.. the playing time will tell a different story.
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  10. jessestylex

    jessestylex DeadGirlsCantSayNo

    Bengals #2 rush D will ail CJ this week.
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