Pre-Game Thread Preseason Game 1: Titans @ Falcons

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Aug 13, 2015.

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  1. Mitch86

    Mitch86 Pro Bowler

    I just watched highlights of the game as I didn't get to see it live.. Showed pretty much all of the good and bad for the first team so it works.

    My view:

    Mariota INT- it looked like the rest of the team had no idea what was going on. He shouldn't have thrown it though.

    Mariota fumble- the Oline got completely blown up but Mariota has to protect the ball

    Mariota sack- Line got blown apart again and there was nothing he could do.

    All in all, his 3 bad plays were preventable. Mostly if other people did their jobs. But Mariota can learn from those plays and know what to do next time.

    Mariota will probably be on crutches by week 5 from the looks of it.

    All I really saw of the D was Julio basically out there like he was playing catch. Pathetic. No pressure by the first team that I saw either.

    Andrews caught the ball well and ran well... This was supposed to be what Sankey was about but he has yet to prove it. Andrews should get more opportunity.

    I didn't get to see Cobb or Sanky. I read that Cobb looked decent and Sanky looked like a blind tortoise as usual.

    WRs: Didn't see much from them. Douglas had a nice grab in traffic on 3rd down I think. DGBs jumping catch looked good.
  2. rekirts

    rekirts Starter

    The only other thing I'd mention is maybe Mariota is lacking a little in arm strength. IT seemed her really had to 'wind-up' on a third down? to fit a ~12-15 yard curl. Might be a little slow of a windup. I only saw it live however and wasn't able to see how tight the window was. It was still a pretty throw, jsut slow release.

    one advantage Mett has over him. oh well.
  3. Mitch86

    Mitch86 Pro Bowler

    It wasn't so much a tight window to throw in, more that there were defenders there to hit Douglas when he caught it so he had to catch it and be ready for impact. But it was a good throw and catch to move the chains.
  4. Old Oiler Fan

    Old Oiler Fan Starter

    Mariota made two boneheaded plays in his first 5 pass attempts (on the road) in the preseason as a professional. I'm sure many great NFL qbs have done the same. After that he settled down and looked significantly better. Mett looked like a calm vet who has already started 8 regular season games in this offense playing against a second string defense. I'm not knocking Mett because I think we are lucky to have two of the best young 1-2 qb combos in the league. The point is that relatively speaking Mariota played well. If he hadn't responded like he did I would be worried. If he is truly a good qb we will see continued progress from week to week. Regarding if Mariota is better than Mett we will be able to better compare apples to apples after he has 8 regular season starts under his belt. Having said all that I was very impressed with Mett. If for some reason Mariota fails I think we are in good hands either way. No way I trade Mett.
    • High Five High Five x 4
  5. BASDawg

    BASDawg Starter

    There's plenty of room on the Mariotta bandwagon.

    Honestly, hus debut went about as expected: some mistakes, but showed enough to give us hope.

    I predict the titans will win four games this season. Just enough improvement to build up our hopes for the future.
  6. crypta333

    crypta333 Starter

    Please change that avatar. Neat pic, but ..... nevermind ..... SIGH!
  7. crypta333

    crypta333 Starter

    Peyton Manning had a horrible rookie season. Lets be patient. Marcus went to school last night. Not a bad thing. Titanup!
  8. Titandude

    Titandude Stand Up Guy!

    If Mariotta would have been allowed to wear the red jersey, he would have had a great game! It was his "welcome to the NFL" game. He'll adjust. It's a whole 'nother game when you can be hit (and hurt) by NFL assassins.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. terapinfly

    terapinfly Baby, won't you carry me

    Totally agree with you!
  10. terapinfly

    terapinfly Baby, won't you carry me

    Yeah, I hear you. I am not a Titans fan bc of Mariota. I grew up in Nashville.
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