Mike Keith & Wycheck on game's final TD drive

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by KillerTitanFan, Dec 27, 2015.

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  1. KillerTitanFan

    KillerTitanFan Starter

    Didn't see the last TD drive as we were on our way to Church, however, I did tune in on the radio.

    Mike Keith and Wychek were totally ****ting on the playcalling that was going on. I had never heard anything like it before from them, especially Keith who I consider a class act both on the radio and off. With that possession on the 1 yard line, they both started saying that Mett should have run the ball in as the Texans wouldn't expect it. They laughed at themselves and started talking about how there were all these plays that the Titans could have run, but that nobody would ever do it because it wasn't obvious enough.

    You know it's rough when your radio team is blasting the playcalling.
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  2. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    Seven more days...
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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    yea you hope... then again, look whos still here in two thousand fifteen...

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  4. kenny

    kenny Starter

    Man what a waste of a roster spot!!!
  5. ThreeBallPaul

    ThreeBallPaul Starter

    I heard the same thing and was quite shocked. Echoing what Wycheck said during this rant, DGB getting 2 targets today is a flat out joke and inexcusable.
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  6. 520

    520 2020 GOAT CHAMP from 3-7 to champ

    I'm not gonna make excuses for metts poor play today, but playcalling didn't help him one bit. Seriously had him run multiple read options. They wanted mett to run the game plan how mariota does when they clearly different players.

    inb4 some jackass says "ya marioras good metts not"
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  7. Titan Bill

    Titan Bill Titan Branded 4 Life Tip Jar Donor

    I commented in the game day thread that Mike Keith is underpaid...guy was so excited with a sack at 30 something to nothing....about the only non player that should keep his job
  8. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    TBH, Mett is not good. I'm not into trolling you here.. He just is not good. I had high hopes for him, but he has failed. not many QBs can get a start, and you can guarantee a loss.
    Texans are not even a good team. They are starting a tandem of 3rd string QBs.. Still outplayed Mett, and everyone else on this joke of a roster.

    I'm not saying that this crap roster gave him any help today, but he looks really bad. I am so glad they didn't mortgage the future of the QB position with him.
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  9. RavensShallBurn

    RavensShallBurn Ruck the Favens

    Mariota's good. Mett's not.
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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    you are so wasting your time dude lol, let him think Metts good, its funny
    • High Five High Five x 1
    • LOL LOL x 1
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