Nobody is getting fired (Bud speaks on VY/Fisher)

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Nov 22, 2010.

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  1. MJTitans

    MJTitans Chris Whitley look him up

    Yea, I think Bud's comments were just about perfect - with the only omission being a firmer stance on discipline for VYs actions in the locker room, but that doesn't necessarily need to be done in public. It quelled the storm, bought time to make decisions without sounding cryptic... that's tough to do.

    I don't get the release Vince immediately thinking... release a player for lashing out at his coach in frustration when he's never done that before? This is football, tempers often flare. Is a player venting in the privacy of the locker room really worse than a coach losing his temper at an official on national TV? Or does it depend on whether you think that player/coach had reason for losing it? You have to bring discipline but you don't cut your QB for it.
  2. SoCalTitan867

    SoCalTitan867 Starter

    I'm with MJT on this one. I am not sure what Bud could have said any better than that. Cutting Vince right off the bat isn't going to do any good for anyone. And as much as I'd like to see Fisher replaced sometimes, now isn't the time either. Who is there to promote? Cecil? No, Dinger? No. As I said before I don't see a whole lot of positive for the rest of the season so Bud might as well tell them what he did, and see who becomes available at the end of the season.
  3. AEC Titan

    AEC Titan Camp Fodder

    I beg to differ...Jeff Fisher himself has won many more games with VY at QB !Ultimately Fisher said publicly he was behind this qb but actions on the field
    tell another story!
  4. drawingguy

    drawingguy Camp Fodder

    If Young was the best product we had than it's much worse than we imagined. Besides, it no longer matters, he's toast and won't be playing for the Titans anymore. Which is a good thing... :yes:
  5. drs23

    drs23 Camp Fodder

    Hot topic in Houston

    HERE'S what they're saying in Houston.
  6. dg1979us

    dg1979us Pro Bowler

    You think by Bud responding the story is going away to any degree now? I was the one who said Bud should have withheld any type of strong comment, and I still believe that. Bud commenting on it just blew the story up even more. The players are still going to be answering these types of questions, but now you have a QB on IR, and a potential problem with the owner and HC (whethere there is really a problem between the 2 doesnt matter, the media is going to run with the idea that their is potentially a problem). By Bud commenting, he just redirected the story, but that isn't going to take away any of the questions and the players are still going to have to deal with this.
  7. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro


    Are you sure you're not a Colts fan?

    Peyton Manning as your avatar makes me wonder :rolleyes:
  8. SoCalTitan867

    SoCalTitan867 Starter

    Is it just me or did anyone else notice that Fisher seemed to be fuming a little bit more than usual at his Presser yesterday? I don't think we have heard EVERYTHING Bud told Fisher.
  9. drawingguy

    drawingguy Camp Fodder

    Yeah, I like the Colts also. Well, I like Manning.
    We only allowed to like the Titans here?.... :ha:
  10. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro


    Well duh, it's a Titans board.

    Well, that's all i needed to know. Maybe i won't be so quick to call you out, now that i know you're a Colts fan.
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