Mike Reinfeldt messed up big time this offseason..

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by PitBull, Apr 25, 2009.

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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    To start off; Mike Reinfeldt is the Titans GM, he isn't the 'TITANS". Meaning he has a certain margin of control. It ultimately comes down to the owner who is well involved in decisions. Reinfeldt is 2X the GM as Reese. In all of the years as GM Floyd Reese did little except kill our team for three years, so as far as to say Reinfeldt messed up this off season I fell that's not an accurate statement. Tennessee is always a quiet team during free-agency, and loves to play it smart come draft day.
    Now as for Kerry Collins return and the lack of big name acquisitions; why screw up great team chemistry?.... That's the idea Reinfeldt has and is running with. Keeping Collins almost guarantees we will back in January. We sure as hell needed the added talent of some receiver and seem to have gotten that with Washington and Britt. Sure neither is Boldin or Holt, but at their prices was Tennessee ever really in it?...
  2. Big Time Titan

    Big Time Titan Big Time Titan

    Exactly right here, Coach has handled this situation better than anyone could have expected. This was a much bigger issue than we made it out to be. Coach is like a rock. He's treats the press like mushrooms, feeds em s@*+ and leaves em in the dark.

    This past regular season was Coach's finest coaching season yet. He really deserved COY award. We weren't expected to finish .500 and we go 13-3 with the best record in the league.

    I want VY back as the starter, but I also respect Coach's stance on the situation. He's being firm and I really like that about him.
  3. chronbrownie012

    chronbrownie012 Starter

    People are going to b**** regardless. As I've said when a poster said that if MR doesn't draft a receiver he will never support him

    He's 2/2 in leading us to the playoffs
    He's 2/2 in drafting 1st round pro-bowlers

    Short of Paul Williams he has yet to make any gross errors.

    As long as we remain in the playoffs....i'll give him the benefit of the doubt
  4. psychotictitan

    psychotictitan Its About That Time...

    MR has done a solid job since hes come here. I'm not quite sure why some people are ripping the guy or dont really approve of some of the things he's done. Hes building a a solid foundation through the draft and FA thats going to be contenders for several years which is exactly what he did in Seattle and Gbay. He knows how to manage the cap and put a price tag on certain players and doesnt budge. Hes gone 23-9 since coming here and made the playoffs both years. Whats there to knock about the guy??
  5. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff


    DING DING DING!... you're winning answer
  6. GoTitans3801

    GoTitans3801 Forward Progress!

    I think he could still be around if Collins got hurt for a significant amount of time this season, and Vince came in and finished out the season looking pretty good. A playoff win would help.
  7. Lord_Drist

    Lord_Drist Camp Fodder

    Completely Agree with you, Vince Young should be given the chance to prove what he can do with better weapons.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. CRUDS

    CRUDS Moderator Staff

  9. ColtKiller

    ColtKiller Starter

    Would you rather start VY or KC this year to make a possible SB run? Based on what you know about the two, no speculation, nothing like that, simply answer the question, would you start VY or KC in week 1 if you were the coach? Its obvious man, an thats why #10 is riding the pine for now. He can do all the proving he wants after Kerry retires with a little finger hardware
  10. Lord_Drist

    Lord_Drist Camp Fodder

    Yes, I will start VY on week 1. KC did the same thing with a better supporting cast. One and done in the playoff. So tell me what is the difference? I feel that it is unfair to judge both QB when they where in different situations. I think that Fisher sat VY the time he really wanted when he was a rookie, to give the time to learn and improve. Remember, he was thrust into the starting role out of desperation. Knowing that the vast majority of first year QB need time just to adjust to the NFL.
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