Is LenDale White helping or hurting this team?

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TheSureThing, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. Helping

    63 vote(s)
  2. Hurting

    9 vote(s)
  3. Neutral

    12 vote(s)
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  1. Fry

    Fry Welcome to the land of tomorrow!

    against cincy

    1-10-TEN 39 (1:43) 25-L.White left guard to TEN 41 for 2 yards (57-Dh.Jones).
    1-10- :)37) 25-L.White left guard to CIN 45 for 5 yards (94-D.Peko; 41-C.Ndukwe).
    1-10-CIN 39 (14:42) 25-L.White right guard to CIN 36 for 3 yards (57-Dh.Jones).
    2-3-TEN 27 (2:43) 25-L.White up the middle to TEN 29 for 2 yards (92-F.Rucker).
    1-10-TEN 46 (14:54) 25-L.White left guard to 50 for 4 yards (94-D.Peko; 91-R.Geathers).
    1-10-TEN 28 (10:04) {Yard line changed with change of possession} 25-L.White right tackle to TEN 30 for 2 yards (94-D.Peko).
    2-9-TEN 20 (8:04) 25-L.White up the middle to TEN 21 for 1 yard (41-C.Ndukwe; 92-F.Rucker).
    1-10-CIN 33 (3:04) 25-L.White up the middle to CIN 29 for 4 yards (55-K.Rivers; 97-J.Thornton).
    2-6-CIN 29 (2:20) 25-L.White up the middle to CIN 26 for 3 yards (93-R.Jeanty).
    4-2-CIN 25 (1:15) 25-L.White right guard to CIN 25 for no gain (97-J.Thornton).
  2. NoDak Titan

    NoDak Titan Camp Fodder

    Hey, why don't we just give CJ the ball 30+ touches a game and wear him out and make him absolutely useless in the crunch time of the latter part of the season when we will really rely on him? Of course we need LW, he softens up the defense and allows our passing game to work and opens holes for CJ. CJ is great,but not a God!!
  3. DJB

    DJB Starter

    Alge Crumpler is getting less than 2 catches per game. Is he hurting or helping the team? Kerry Collins is passing for less than 200 yards per he hurting the team? Stats don't tell the whole story
  4. Ubiq

    Ubiq BAMF

    Yeah, the 5 TDs mask LenDale's uselessness.
  5. KingTitan

    KingTitan aka CRONUS

    So let's just give the rock to CJ all the time. We know he's indestructible, indefatigable, incisive, incredible, indelible, inextricable, infallible, infuriating, inimitable, insoluble, inspiring, insuperable, insurmountable, integral, intelligent, invasive, invulnerable!!!! In short, he is the god of running. :ha:
  6. guitarjunkie

    guitarjunkie We're Screwed...

    And, that's just the "i" words....
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. KingTitan

    KingTitan aka CRONUS

    It's all in the EYE of the beholder.

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  8. Ubiq

    Ubiq BAMF

    5 pages long and you guys are still missing the point. NO ONE IS SAYING GIVE CJ EVERY CARRY! For God's sake, quit coming back to this.

    CJ needs to split carries, but with a competent, productive, and physically fit counterpart. LenDale fits none. That's my whole point. But people still want to crown him for his TDs.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. DJB

    DJB Starter

  10. DLS33

    DLS33 Guest

    LenDale fits our offense for his role. But hell I am 5'8 180 and I could fit his role. His role is not something another professional football player couldn't handle, i.e., Ganther and Chris Henry. Keep in mind I am not a LenDale hater, I like him. But like Ubiq said earlier, LenDale is fat, lazy, out of shape, and does not take his PROFESSIONAL career seriously. He looks like a D-Lineman for christ sake. I know if I didn't take my professional career seriously or not perform better than the next guy I would be fired. (Ganther out performed all backs in Pre-season) and before everyone says that Ganther did it against people that got cut, he still balled. Correct? Why not give him a shot. From what I understand when I listen to interview's of our players, they always talk great things about Ganther's work ethic(something LenFat obviously lacks).

    Give Ganther a shot I'd say. Henry hasn't quite earned it.

    If Raf Little hadn't went down in the senior bowl we might be looking at two rookie running backs splitting the work load. Just food for thought..
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