Titan arrested pregame??

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by nickel, Aug 12, 2006.

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  1. yea, and now our mascot is trying to run down people!:ha:
  2. The Mrs

    The Mrs Crush on Casey Starbucks!

    Let me preface this by saying that I am a female AND hitting should never be the answer.

    Now, first of all, women know their men and know the buttons. He has been dabbling with his ex-girlfriend on the side and this ex-girlfriend has been throwing it in his fiance's face. Of course, the ex-girlfriend is mad that she didn't get chosen. Instead of fiance hanging up on ex-girlfriend and just realizing she's the one with the ring, she goes and gets up in Randy's face. Not only does she get in his face, she does it a few hours before he has to go play a game.

    Women may be physically weaker, but we use our words to get even. They were in the bathroom when he was getting ready to go to the stadium. He wasn't trying to have his mind on domestic issues and she kept going at it. He wanted to discuss it later, after the game, but she didn't want to hear it. She wanted to hurt him as much as she was hurt from his cheating. Things escalted and she took it a notch further and Randy just snapped. He didn't hit her at first. He felt that if she was leaving him and going home, then she needed to leave the ring. He tried to take it off her finger, that's when things went downhill.

    Again, he shouldn't have hit her, but I can understand how things can get out of hand like it did. We women can be very vicious with our words and we know exactly what to say to hurt a guy that we've been with. I admit that when I've been mad I chose to use words to make my guy hurt as much as I felt he made me hurt, emotionally. I also admit that I've said some things that I know I needed to get the crap slapped out of me. Luckily for me, my guy thinks and just walks away. Sometimes when he walks away, I follow him and keep on with my words.

    Now, if after all this, she stays with him and marries him, I will be mad at her. There should be a rule, if you call the police because your man beat you up yet you try to drop the charges and won't testify AND you get back with him, then the police should not have to respond to your calls again.

    Once a guy crosses the line and slams your head against a towel rack and tosses you over a chair, if you stay with him and marry him then you get what you paid for.
  3. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    Yeah as a married guy I was just assuming she was trying to hack him off on purpose.
  4. Broken Record

    Broken Record Biscuit Eater Staff

    Maybe I'm out of touch with reality, but are we talking about adults here? I could've sworn this was middle school playground garbage. Everyone involved needs to grow up.
  5. The Mrs

    The Mrs Crush on Casey Starbucks!

    I don't know what goes on in his private life, but Randy has always been nice and very respectful. I was totally surprised to hear about what happened. I mean, there are some guys that you absolutely know would hit a girl and he wasn't one of them. There are some guys that you hear about in private, the things that are kept between the couple, but guys on the team or the wives/girlfriends hear about it. Randy never had that reputation.....until now!:hmm:
  6. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    Its funny on what can go on behind closed doors. And what people are really like.

    Randy is lucky that the team lacks depth at DT with Long out.
  7. Hoffa

    Hoffa Freak you you freakin' freak

    From your previous post, you know a WHOLE lot about what went on.
  8. Yvette

    Yvette Starter

    You should have stopped right there because the rest of it was pitiful. Emotionally hurting someone is not the same as physically hurting them.

    "I also admit that I've said some things that I know I needed to get the crap slapped out of me."

  9. Hoffa

    Hoffa Freak you you freakin' freak

    You're right, it's worse.
  10. Gunny

    Gunny Shoutbox Fuhrer

    I think I'm done with this thread....
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