Post-Game Thread Titans 36, Jaguars 22

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by The Hammer, Oct 27, 2016.

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  1. GrayGhost1951

    GrayGhost1951 Starter

    All week many of us wondered why KW was hardly on the field for the Colts game. Last night he had 4 catches for 84 yards and a TD. But what do we know......
  2. Alzarius

    Alzarius Pro Bowler Tip Jar Donor


    Did you see him knock that guy over on the sideline?

    Helped him up. Stay there a sec making sure he was ok. I thought he was going to invite the guy to dinner lol. Mariota is a class act.
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  3. HurrayTitans!

    HurrayTitans! Useless trivia knowledge champion

    I don't think be ever been this excited about a 4-4 team, but ma handling the jag rags was just awesome. Doing it on TNF is just that much better in getting some recognition around the league.
    That's almost my concern. It's been awhile since the Titans got any national recognition and each of the last couple times getting there, I feel like the team couldn't handle being a good team.
    Like posted before, beat the F'N colts. I want a beat down on Houston too.
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  4. jplusip

    jplusip Pro Bowler

    I'll be pretty happy if we beat the JagRags the next time we see them to be honest.

    Seems like every year we stomp the Jags in one game and then barely lose the other.
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  5. brian82

    brian82 Rookie

    Awesome result, even though the jags have been really bad this season I will take it. The rhythm/timing between MM and the WRs is definitely improving, hopefully this will continue against stronger defences. The RBs continue to be solid what a double act they are, love watching the running game this season. OL still solid and consistent another nice thing to watch from the titans this season. The defence was good right up until the 4th quarter, why is there so much open space down the middle it's a TEs dream and the CBs on a couple of plays were positioned past the 10 yard marker so when the WR caught the pass the CBS didn't have time to close the WR down before crossing for 1st down. The CBS gave too much space in my opinion because they gave 6 to 10 yards before making the tackle on quite a few occasions, if they are going to do that they need to force the fumble and make sure the WR feels those tackles. But still a great result.
  6. titanfanatic

    titanfanatic I Piss Excellence Staff

    A lot of Qbs in this position just try and get in the way but when Mariota turned the jets on you could tell he wasn't trying to get in the way. I'm all about not taking unnecessary hits as a Qb but I gotta tell you, this was f*ckn awesome. He may have a few flaws in some areas but when you see this, makes you appreciate just how much this kid loves to compete.
    #76 titanfanatic, Oct 28, 2016
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2016
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  7. Zack3000

    Zack3000 Special Teams Standout

    Sounds like I missed a good game. I had to work last night....

    I have to give credit to jon Robinson though for putting this team together.

    These next two weeks vs chargers and packers I think will make or break season. We can't go 0-2 and still win the division. Which I believe is winnable.
  8. ceeder

    ceeder Starter

    TNF crew was raving about Robiskie's play calling last night. Said he had an assortment of good reads and picked apart the Jags.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Colts have some tough matchups coming up also, we probably could weather going 0-2 these next 2 weeks, but it would be a huge blow to recover from
  10. Zack3000

    Zack3000 Special Teams Standout

    We would need Texans to lose also though.

    I don't care if we win division at 8-8 or 7-9 because winning the division is the only way any team in this division gets to playoffs.
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