Robiskie to be Hired as OC

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Jan 18, 2016.

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  1. Dman5TX

    Dman5TX Pro Bowler

    Continuity was so key in bringing back Mularkey, but he is changing the staff and system.. How would that have been different from any outside hire??
    #41 Dman5TX, Jan 18, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2016
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  2. Ten_Titans

    Ten_Titans Pro Bowler

    Someone with NFL play calling experience inside this decade? The Browns OC is considered one of the best young offensive guys in the league. Him maybe?
  3. 10ECTyrant

    10ECTyrant What! Tip Jar Donor

    This is just FN laughable
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  4. lilkhmerkid4u

    lilkhmerkid4u Somebody Saveeeeeee Meee!


    Titans hired Terry Robiskie as offensive coordinator.

    The 61-year-old has been on an NFL coaching staff for all but one season since 1982. He coordinated the Los Angeles Raiders offense from 1989-1992 and had a one-year stint as coordinator with the Browns in 2004. He had been the Falcons WRs coach since 2008. Robiskie is a well-respected position coach, but this is yet another underwhelming coaching hire for the Titans. The staff under Mike Mularkey has the look of a one-and-done group.
    Related: Falcons

    Source: Paul Kuharsky on
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  5. CalgaryTitansFan

    CalgaryTitansFan Pro Bowler

    I hate this franchise so much.
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  6. nickmsmith

    nickmsmith Most poverty RB core.

    I like this hire.

    It should be funny. It should be like the male, football version of the Golden Girls, as long as Lebeau stays on.
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  7. TitansfaninKY

    TitansfaninKY Starter

    It's really too bad that we don't get the media attention of bigger market teams. Can you imagine the news coverage we would be getting at the moment for these horrible decisions if we were the Redskins, Cowboys or any other disfunction-able franchise due to their owners. I mean hell even ESPN would be all over the Browns forcing ownership to pay attention if this happened to them. Instead we are the Titans and no one outside of our fan base even knows we hired a **** coach and went cheap on the rest of the staff nor do they care. In fact they are looking forward to another easy win on their schedule and at most feel bad for Mariota for being drafted here.

    I'm sure whomever the number one pick is this year is so pissed we didn't win that game against the colts so he could have gone to the Browns... Sad
  8. TitanUpB4UGO

    TitanUpB4UGO Starter

    I don't know....maybe another OC. I realize that's asking too much of this franchise to hire someone like Pat Shurmur. A guy who ran Chip Kelly's system...the one Marcus Mariota would know like the back of his well as having been an OC for the Eagles for a long stint under Andy Reid.

    But then again, this organization showed they don't give a damn about winning. They are running other businesses in Houston, and just using the franchise as another stream of, collecting an NFL revenue sharing paycheck.
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  9. SalmonSlayer

    SalmonSlayer Pro Bowler

    Make a good hire and get a good GM, but disappoint us and hire a chitty HC and underwhelming OC. Are we worse than the Brown's front office, wtf.
  10. TorontoTitanFan

    TorontoTitanFan Pro Bowler

    I mean... are we sure he's a good GM?

    It seems like he got the job because he was the only one willing to keep Mularkey.

    That doesn't necessarily mean he'll be a bad GM, but it's not exactly convincing evidence.
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