Pre-Game Thread Titans @ Saints

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by GOFIGURETITANS, Nov 3, 2015.

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  1. Ontario Titan

    Ontario Titan Pro Bowler

    New coach...Mariota fired up to get another W....Saints coming off 52 point game...we win
  2. DaCost

    DaCost Starter

    Bog game for all of our corners I know Casey and the others will get some pressure here and there but our Corners need to stop giving up big plays.
  3. 615nick

    615nick Starter

    I miss the roos/stewart combo more and more every week. Those guys weren't "enforcers" necessarily but they didn't let you get away with cheap shots. I'm starting to think we need to get a new lt not rt and move lewan. Lt should be the qbs best friend and lewan ain't that. We need to bring in a nasty vet to play on our line next year.
  4. Kholis

    Kholis Rookie

    Long time Louisiana Titans fan here and getting a chance to go to the game. Any way to find out the team hotel in New Orleans? I would love to get a chance to get some autographs if possible. I asked a couple of the beat writers, and they said the info wasn't public. I figured someone has to know...haha. Thanks in advance.
  5. dtm586

    dtm586 The Master Jedi

    No Kendall Wright and Jason McCourty a game time decision?

    This has to be the game Green-Beckham steps up ... whiz is gone maybe they will finally unleash the beast
  6. titanfanatic

    titanfanatic I Piss Excellence Staff

    Love how Whis made it seem like DGB never played a snap of football in his life and this year was the first time he was putting a set of pads on. I hope this kid just absolutely lights it up Sunday and sends a big f*ck you to Whis because we all know he is gonna be watching at home hoping we crumble.
    • High Five High Five x 1
    • LOL LOL x 1
  7. kenny

    kenny Starter

    HOLY ****E!! We are starting Cox (Who I like), Sensabaugh, Riggs, and Huff, with Webb from the practice squad against Brees and that offense!! Man are we gonna get lit up. I can see Sean Peyton foaming at the mouth now. He is probably telling Brees, where ever that Sensabaugh kid is in coverage; that's where the ball goes!!

    This team has neglected the CB position for way too long. It seems like McCourty is missing chunks of time every season anymore. We have to address this aggressively in the off season for this team to have any hope next year. I liked bringing Perrish Cox in, but he is not a shut down corner. McCourty is more of a tackle the guy after he has the ball player. We need a real CB in this secondary in a bad way.

    I was excited about seeing this game with the coaching change. However, after hearing we have NO real CB to play against a guy who just threw for 500yds & 7TDs; really curbed that excitement.

    I am still stoked we got rid of Whiz, but damn. Mularky is gonna have one hell of a time trying to keep up with the type of scoring the Saints could put up in this one. We were giving up deep plays all year. That's Sean Peyton's favorite part of the game, deep passing.

    I really hope I am way wrong and these back up players come out and make me look silly for questioning them. I mean it. I really want them to shut Brees down. However, I do not think it is likely.

    Riggs has looked good at times. He may have a shot at being a decent back up.

    Sensabaugh I just cannot stand. He has given up as many big plays this year as any 2 DBs combined. Seems that way to me anyway. Maybe I am being to hard on him. Seems like every deep pass that is completed goes his way though. I do not understand the love being shown for this kid by the staff.

    Huff just does not seem to play the ball. Seems like he can stay with some of the WRs, but he always seems to have his back to the ball. Much like BWW.

    Cox has been hurt and missed time. However, even when he played he has not been the guy I expected to see. I was really hoping he would be the guy that came in and got some picks for us.
  8. kenny

    kenny Starter

    Our passing defense has been good this year....I think it is a bit of a deceiving stat though. Teams have not had to pass on us much. We give up so much in the run game; they just tear it up that way.

    Our run defense was better against the Falcons & somewhat against the Texans. However, we always seem to give up some stupid play or penalty that gets teams out of 3rd & long.

    I really want a win this week. I really want this team to show that Whiz was the biggest part of our problem. I can hear analysts everywhere if we lose this game. They will be saying that firing Whiz was a mistake. It was the team not the HC. I know we lack talent in key areas. The secondary really stands out. Along with WR & RB; but with Whiz' system this team would never compete.

    I really hope these back up DBs are ready. They are gonna have a tough test tomorrow.

    Pass rush is going to be a very important part of tomorrows game. If we allow this QB time; he is going to pick us apart!! We have to get after the QB early & often.

    Hopefully the defense can keep it a low scoring game. If they can do that and we can run the ball; we may have a prayer.
  9. 615nick

    615nick Starter

    If we can get consistent pressure on brees our dbs will look a ton better. I predict, one of our lesser known/younger cbs has a nice day. Time for riggs to be our new cortland.
  10. MrPickSix

    MrPickSix Starter

    I li
    Yes I like Riggs he had some good plays against Julio the other week
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