“More probable than not” Patriots manipulated balls.

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by VondyP, May 6, 2015.

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  1. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    Who cares?

    Really, why is this even brought up? A high school coach says it goes on all over the place, good for him.

    The funny thing about rules is, they are supposed to be enforced. Why do you keep justifying cheating with 'everyone else does it'. That is a piss poor argument.
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  2. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    I don't know. Perhaps the ball people for other teams just chucked in the box and didn't think anything of it. I have heard conflicting stories of how the Colts knew about this. The reporter who broke the story said he heard the Colts Adams had picked off Brady the previous game and their equipment people thought the balls were oddly deflated (as in too much) so they asked the officials to check for that during the game. I don't think this was some grand conspiracy against the Pats, but like any other things you come up with that may be odd or a bending or the rules, you ask the officials to check it out or look for this or that.

    Maybe other teams didn't notice it or didn't think much of it during the course of the game. It's all speculation. You could ask the equipment people for all of the teams that intercepted him, but perhaps they only deflate the balls that much in rainy or cold (or both) weather so maybe they don't always deflate them to that level. hard to know, but plenty of possibilities within the realm of realistic reasoning.
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  3. Clark

    Clark #ShoutboxAlley4Life

    This is absolutely plausible
  4. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro

    The real issue is why the league even made this possible in the first place. I'm not going to deny that it probably doesn't go on all over the place, the Pats were just the ones caught this time.

    The NFL just needs to take care of its ****, allowing teams any control of a game ball shouldn't happen at all.
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  5. Clark

    Clark #ShoutboxAlley4Life

    I absolutely agree. Both sides earn an argument imo. I lean to believe most teams knew it was going on and knew most teams were doing whatever they could get away with.

    Rodgers said they would go into game day with specifically over inflated balls just to see if the refs would catch it. And if they didn't? No ones hammering Rodgers about his clear cut "we tried and have succeeded in breaking the rules via oblivious refs"

    There probably truth to both sides
  6. Clark

    Clark #ShoutboxAlley4Life

    I can see the prep being worth it for the NFL that wants a pass first league. But once those balls hit the refs hands on game day? They shouldn't be allowed back to the team until they are on the field
    • Hit the Target Hit the Target x 1
  7. Scarecrow

    Scarecrow All-Pro


    I can't think of any other sport where this goes on. NFL has done a good job of dodging this.

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Nice summary of everything, I am aware of the report and its findings and agree Tom's biggest mistake is lying he did anything to those balls when in reality he and 90% of the QB's playing do the same thing.

    But because I take no issue with QB's tampering with footballs whatsoever I think its insane to suspend a guy a quarter of the season.

    I understand he's an NFL employee and must cooperate in any investigation, but he's actually self employed, therefor shouldn't be forced to testify against himself, however I get it, he didn't play ball with Goodell, therefor he loses. Thats just how it goes in the NFL now...
  9. Clark

    Clark #ShoutboxAlley4Life

    You know what Tom did? Tom kept the code of QBs intact and stfu. He didn't go blow the whole league up and snitch on everyone. He just denied he did it. So what? Omertà
  10. Big TT


    I am not arguing moron...simply stating what is what. Catch up.
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