With pick #2 of the 2015 NFL Draft, the Tennessee Titans select: Marcus Mariota, QB, Oregon

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by TitanJeff, Apr 30, 2015.


Happy with the Titans drafting Mariota?

Poll closed May 7, 2015.
  1. Yes.

  2. No.

  3. Undecided but hoping for the best.

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  1. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    I'm sure you will be able to spin that regardless. More likely 4-12 than 8-8. Unfortunately the team is bad across the board.
  2. GoT

    GoT Strength and Honor

    not punter

    Reuston totally got that spot nailed down
    • High Five High Five x 1
  3. Alex1939

    Alex1939 Space Invaders Champion

    Kern is top 5. I give you that one.
  4. Old Oiler Fan

    Old Oiler Fan Starter

    Red wine, I'm celebrating!
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. Tungtide

    Tungtide Just Another Freak

    We should be so lucky to have that problem. Whiz hasn't won a single home game for the Titans, and last time I looked neither has Mettenberger. I think Mariota brings a ton of talent to the table as well as a bunch of success. If Whiz adapts to this guy's skills he might end up with a driven QB who can pass the ball and escape trouble with his legs. This fan base needed a serious move, not plugging holes. Losing CJ last year didn't take a 7-9 team to 2-14, a new offense, a new defense and the lack of consistency at QB did (along with our overpaid Swiss cheese offensive line).
    • High Five High Five x 2
  6. TitanJeff

    TitanJeff Kahuna Grande Staff

    I'm not going to argue that the Titans are a good team. But what option at #2 makes them potentially better in your eyes than Mariota?

    IMO, no one taken at #2 this season is going to make them a playoff contender. It's going to take hitting on Mariota, #33, etc. including some better luck with free agents added in the next couple of seasons.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  7. Tungtide

    Tungtide Just Another Freak

    Hey I'm pleased with the pick, but don't sign him to his fourth contract before he even wins his first game. He needs a chance to learn and make mistakes without having to shoulder the next 15 years in the process. Just remember, if he wins one game that's one more than Zack gave us. If he stays healthy for a season that will be more than any starting quarterback except Kerry Collins in the history of the team since they've been here.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  8. rekirts

    rekirts Starter

    Cmon guys, its a QB. Time to get excited :D. Lot of top talent fell to 33 too, gonna be a fun draft.
    • High Five High Five x 2
  9. Sitrik

    Sitrik Starter

    Great pick, now take T.J Clemmings in the 2nd round.
  10. Tungtide

    Tungtide Just Another Freak

    He says he is, but time will tell. I believe Whiz can be pretty obstinate, and with that said I'm not sure he understands how to adjust. His rigidity cost a few games last year, and his need to change the team to the degree he did is a concern if he was able to misjudge the situation as badly as he did. I'm not a hater, but I am skeptical until proven otherwise. I hope they make some moves to fix the O line so they can keep Mariota healthy.
    • High Five High Five x 3
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