Vic Beasley

Discussion in 'NFL Draft' started by satkins2252, Apr 9, 2015.

  1. Yes

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  2. No

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    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    Not at 230lbs he's not. I know he blimped up to 250ish but if he was at 230 by seasons end in college (November) he'll also be down significantly in the pros after week-4.

    I was however impressed with the speed he gained while putting on 20lbs at the combine, that speaks volumes of his dedication and sheer athleticism. Great prospect, but again at 230 he can't fully play vs 320lb NFL Tackles.

    Watch him vs one of this drafts better Tackle prospects South Carolina's Corey Robinson. Robinson is toying with Beasley, same will happen if we pencil him at OLB here.
  2. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    Why not? Who cares what he is in other schemes? We just need dominant players in our scheme. Lawrence taylor would have not been a good DE in a 4-3 D but I'd take him any day in his prime at 3-4 olb!!!
  3. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    I doubt Shane Ray falls out of top 10 unless a couple of WR's go early. I don't want Gregory unless we are in rnd 2 at the earliest.
  4. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    How did you arbitrarily decide he will drop to 230lbs by week 4? Beasley dominated OT's even if you follow the scouts who said he was at 220lbs. And as for your claim he'd get toyed with by 320lb OT's like Robinson? Let's take a look at your claim. I have followed Beasley closely for the last couple of years and didn't remember Robinson beating him up so I rewatched the tape on Draftbreakdown...

    I think you were watching the wrong guy on tape. Beasley beat Robinson a lot in both 2013 AND 2014. Ironically, his stat line was 5 tackles and 2 sacks for both games. Wanna guess who he beat for the sacks? And in 2014, one of his sacks also caused a fumble and he really should have had 4 sacks in that game. He blew by Robinson cleanly a 3rd time but whiffed on the QB and the other time he cleanly beat him, Robinson held him badly. And he beat him a 5th time too but Robinson had a RB to slow him down. If he can get 'owned' getting 2-4 sacks a game, SIGN ME UP!!!!!

    And the next thing you'll tell me is he can't play the run. Well he used his speed and quickness to disrupt several of the running plays and even beat Robinson to the outside only to crash back and tackle the rb in the backfield. He also beat Robinson to the inside on a 4th and 1 running play to help stuff it for no gain.

    If you watch the tape (both 2013 and 2014) on draft breakdown, you'll also notice Robinson getting help from a TE, OG, RB at different times. They even triple teamed him on one play! Not exactly what I expect to see from an OT who is 'toying' with a light OLB.
    • High Five High Five x 1
  5. ImATitan

    ImATitan Pro Bowler

    I'm a really big Beasley fan, and think he's the best pass rusher in this draft, but I wouldn't take him at 2. He's too much of a one trick pony right now. At 5-10 overall, yeah (same way I viewed Anthony Barr a year ago).
  6. Gut

    Gut Pro Bowler

    Let me ask you a question. What do you think has a bigger impact, a dominant pass rusher (12-15 sacks a year) or an overall olb who can cover well, tackle well, and get you 5-6 sacks a year?

    Being a dominant pass rusher is being the best kind of one trick pony because the NFL is centered around 3 things, qb's throwing the ball, LT's protecting the QB, and pass rushers attacking the QB. If you are deficient in those 3 areas you will do poorly (and we did).

    No one asks how many tackles did Von Miller have or Dwight Freeney in his prime...they wanted to know how many sacks! If you ask 10 fans how many sacks did Justin Houston have last year, they'd get it right or be close. If you asked them how many tackles, pass deflections and INT's he had, they'd have no clue. Not to say those things aren't important, they just aren't as important.

    A Giants fan probably has a fair idea how many sacks LT had in his career, but even most GM wouldn't have a clue how many tackles he had. And he was SO disruptive, Joe Gibbs created a new offense just to combat his dominance! The guy across from LT was the better overall player, but unless you're a Giants fans, most people don't know who he was.
  7. ImATitan

    ImATitan Pro Bowler

    I know it's the latter and I wasn't trying to take anything away from that. You're talking to a diehard fan, I know there's more to it than the sack #s.. that's why Jason Babin was sooooo bad and I was glad we didn't re-sign him at the time.
  8. titanthakur

    titanthakur Pro Bowler

    Wasn't he a top 10 pick before he tested positive for weed?! I think he's definitely worth at least a late first rounder, heck he might be the best pass rusher in the entire draft.
    • Bullsh*t Bullsh*t x 1

    JCBRAVE goTitans 2019 Survivor Champion

    look how he got those sacks vs SC, Guard play was lacking, he wasn't doing anything vs Robinson except hold his hand

    like I said, too small to keep up with NFL sized Tackles
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