Munchak Fired

Discussion in 'Tennessee Titans and NFL Talk' started by Sonic28, Jan 4, 2014.

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  1. KyTitansFan

    KyTitansFan GM of GoTitans

    I wish
  2. UrbanLegend3

    UrbanLegend3 Pro Bowler

    Damn those were the exact guys people wanted gone. Maybe Tommy does post here and the poster who suggested that he floated out the story that Munch was returning as a feeler was right lol.
    • High Five High Five x 4
  3. netnut

    netnut Starter

    SAD!!!! Munch was a good coach !!! Wait and see what nit wit , the front office CAN get !!! LOL;-0))) FOoLS! Bruce needed to go tho!
  4. KyTitansFan

    KyTitansFan GM of GoTitans

    Yeah, that 3-20 against winning teams was impressive, I don't care who you are.
  5. UrbanLegend3

    UrbanLegend3 Pro Bowler

    In Ruston we trust.
    • High Five High Five x 3
  6. EnglandTitan66

    EnglandTitan66 "The Plump Prince"

    Its nearly nine o'clock over here and have just caught the news. Dear God that the Fisher/Munchak mediocre fug that has stunk out the joint for the last seven or eight years will now leave this franchise and that Tommie has taken the first steps towards making this an exciting and competitive franchise again.

    I don't care who comes in as long as we never sink back into the bland colourless crap that we have been served up by the last two named followed by the traditional platitudes that things are getting better and all I need is another year ... blah ... blah.

    I did have a slightly scary dream some nights ago that this is how it went down and Tommie brought in Shanahan. :facepalm:
    • High Five High Five x 1
  7. ImATitan

    ImATitan Pro Bowler

    Wow this is exciting!! Doesn't guarantee improvement but at least we are trying and not staying content with mediocrity.

    At the same time, I, and we shouldn't badmouth Munch. 32 years of Titan service and was extremely well respected around the league and within this Titan organization. The players loved him too.

    But this was the right move. 3 years is enough to show something, and he didn't.
    I 60% expected Munch back, I left 40% open because I figured he'd have to fire Bruce & Chet (2 good friends) and that'd be difficult for him..I'm a little surprised they wanted Loggains fired, and not shocked Munch refused to give Locker his 3rd OC in 4 years.. Gray I figured Munch would just promote Williams..

    Puts Locker in limbo too. His contract will keep him on the team next year, but his 3rd OC in 4 years isn't great news -- #11 isn't exactly ideal to draft a franchise QB either though. New coach will have work cut out for him.

    As for a new head coach, the Dallas ST coach rumor is LOL Titans material, but as mentioned, Harbaugh was a ST coach, and here is ringing endorsement from Jon Gruden:

    I'm also not sold on Dan Quinn because he has been Seattle's DC for just 1 year and took over a pretty damn good unit to begin with.

    Jay Gruden is a name I like. The Seattle OC Bevell. I like Ray Horton & Ken Whisenhunt. What about the Vandy HC? He's done some NFL interviews already.

    I rather go offensive than defensive. A good DC will continue to get the most out of our pretty talented D; we need an offensive HC to turn this O around.
  8. Aqutis30

    Aqutis30 Do you mind - NOT being a Motaur?

    Damn, and just to think, yesterday I was begging someone to kill me because of the article Wyatt wrote about Munch Set to Come Back. I'm so glad I didn't commit suicide. I <3 Tommy Gun!
    • High Five High Five x 1
  9. nbtoppers2

    nbtoppers2 Pro Bowler

    this makes me feel more at ease with the hiring process. all of those coaches needed to get the axe.
  10. Titanup1982

    Titanup1982 All-Pro

    I still can't believe this... Wow, I'm literally stunned.
    • High Five High Five x 1
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